Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Reflection - Project Ideas, Tools, and Resources

Project Thoughts, Tools, and Resources

As I work on developing my PBL, Backyard Nature, I realize more and more how the process will constantly be changed, tweaked, and improved, and that I will never know exactly how the project will work until the students are actually progressing through it. I can imagine that each time a PBL is used, it would be changed and improved. Having said that, it has also become apparent that even though the steps that I am taking to develop the PBL are numerous,  using the planning and development process developed by BIE will clearly help the project to run more smoothly. I have to wonder though, will public school teachers have the time to do this type of design and planning and still meet the needs of the standardized tests on which schools are judged?

For plant identification, the Resources that I have found interesting are NH Wildflowers, The Appalachian Mountain Club's Guide and Habitats of NH. These three websites will help students to identify the plants and trees along the trail. The "NH Wildflowers" guide has an easy to use search function, images, detailed information about the flower, and a guide to wildflower leaves. The "AMC Guide" is a colorful guide for tree identification. "Habitats of NH" has useful information that will assist students in identifying trees. Although the images are black and white, they will be useful in helping students to identify the leaves and fruits of various species.
Technology tools that will be required are tablets or phones for Internet access while on the trail. An interesting app that I found is "Garden Answers Plant Identifier". This Android app can instantly identify 20,000 plants by taking a picture. The "Google Map Pedometer" is a tool that will allow the students to create a map of the trail to use in the Trail Guide that they will produce. Endomondo or a similar walking app will help to mark distances on the trail. Digital cameras, laptops and printers will also be necessary tools for research, design, and creation of the plant labels and the trail guide.

Rockingham County-UNH Coop. Extension and the Division of Forests and Lands are both resources that will be used to reach out for a professional connection and a potential mentor or guest speaker. UNH advised the school on prior garden projects and they were extremely helpful to the students. The inclusion of professionals from the field will increase the authenticity of the project and reinforce the local connection.

Work Cited:
1. (2014). Resources | Project Based Learning | BIE. Retrieved May 24, 2016, from

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