Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Relative Advantage of Using Hypermedia in the Classroom

What a great exercise in "stretching outside of one's own comfort zone"! I don't mind filming others, but myself, that's a different story. I will now have a better understanding of those students who are hesitant to be in front of the camera. Well, here I am, my debut in, "Using Hypermedia in the Classroom". 


  1. Janice,

    I really liked your inclusion of Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences in your presentation. In addition, I tapped into that same Multimedia article that you used. I liked the way you spoke the quote, then added images to represent it. You did a good job of using a microphone, but sometimes the sound was a bit muffled.

    Nice work!


    1. Judy,

      I did notice the sound was a bit garbled in spots. I was just happy that throughout the recording none of the cats photobombed me and the dogs didn't start barking. It was a miracle.

      Thanks for listening to it.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Janice
    Gardner's multiple intelligences are such an important aspect of teaching. Knowing that there are so many ways of learning. Multimedia really fits in here. I really thought the image of the two different classrooms worked really well to show that it can make the classroom more engaging and collaborative.
    Nice job

    1. Sherri,

      Learning about Howard Gardner years ago really helped me to understand my own needs, and made me better equipped to understand and adapt to the needs of others.

